dumping styles 2.0

Have mentioned this post by Erik Stinson a couple of times:


...as an example of writing that helps understand what's going on on dump.fm but also connects to the more interesting things going on right now, "net art"-wise or social media art-wise. Stinson recently did a new draft of his post called:


...which has some overlap with the previous version but continues to develop the ideas. A concluding paragraph captures the anti-"art" dynamic well:

to me, it seems really important to approach dumping with the kind of lazy convictions of those who use dump. when i dump it’s often vague/idle brainstorming (for design or advertising) or simply relaxing, ‘blowing-off-steam’ as if i am watching a very fast game show-and-tell, with 20-year-olds who are mostly tired from work and stoned. in truth, i see dump as a window into unconscious interests and vague aesthetic impulses of internet friends, rather than as a ‘forum’ or ‘website’ or ‘fucking sweet new marketing tool.’ very occasionally you glimpse the possibilities of dump as a place to explore new ways of living/interacting or new modes of art. mostly, people are less ambitious..

Some people are more ambitious or competitive in terms of racking up "favs" but (i) it is ultimately less ambitious because the site exists mostly in the present and there's no point in dumping the best work in your portfolio all the time because it will just disappear into your rarely-examined log and (ii) there are no rules for what gets fav-ed: some people use tech skills and others are funny/sociable. Am not going to say more on this topic because I've already been told my perception of dump is horribly fucked and wrong. I defer to Erik...

irl convo about dump.fm

"You're really into dump, aren't you? [Skeptical look]
"Yeah, sure. I mean it's not always so great when there are 30 penises onscreen..."
"That's what I mean." [Look of intense disapproval]
"But you can always just leave, or if you have 1-2 friends on you can make fun of the dicks and/or change the subject..."
"It might be OK if you could go find your own dump room somewhere..."
"A few of those rooms exist, but it's not so great when only 3 or 4 'artistes' are present --you need the input that's constantly coming in from outside."
"Uh, dump's just too much like... the Internet" [Look of disgust]
"Yes, well..."
"I guess I'm just jaded." [Walks away to deal with some distraction]

Conversation continues mentally: "Oh, you're complaining that the site doesn't filter the Net enough but you're the one that's jaded. That's a laugh and a half."

Hat tip Duncan Alexander (who was not one of the parties above) for the phrase "internet hardened": many go back and forth on whether that's a virtue. Pre-dump, I spent a couple of years surfing journalpics.net, a LiveJournal GIF scraper that was also constantly pulling up chan, b3ta, and fazed material in addition to LJ. Lots of sludge to go through for the occasional nugget of pure internet gold. The main question to ask about a cumshot loop or an exploding head isn't whether it sends you to the fainting couch, it's whether it has any intrinsic interest or is just some moron wasting your time. As for whether the psychic residue of internet sex and violence will kill you, the committed surfer develops something like a bird's nictitating membrane, the semi-transparent third eyelid that winks shut suddenly to protect its eyes from airborne debris. "Deal with it."

Update: The fun continues: "Dump would have been invented eventually anyway...".

"Sanity Disobedience" Artists' Talk tonight

Am going to be standing next to my projector tonight at BYOB NY and will unfortunately miss an artists' talk for the show "Sanity Disobedience for a New Frontier" at Camel Art Space in Brooklyn. I'm bummed these events are the same night and I can't send a body double to Spencer Brownstone. Here is a press notice for the talk:

On the evening of Friday, November 12, artists participating in the current exhibition "Sanity Disobedience for a New Frontier" will gather for the interactive panel discussion about the show. The discussion is a 2nd Friday Art Walk event that starts at 7pm and will include an audience Q&A session. "Sanity Disobedience" is an exhibition that addresses the concept of technological assimilation in the digital age and its relationship to counter-cultural, anti-conformity assumptions. Curated by Rod Malin. Artists include: Allen Cordell, Tom Moody, Jamie O'Shea, Sophia Peer, Tristan Perich, Meridith Pingree, David Prince, and Janos Stone.

The exhibition runs from October 22- November 28.
Regular gallery hours are: Weekends only, 12 – 6 pm or by appointment
Location: Camel Art Space 722 Metropolitan Avenue, Brooklyn NY 11237

Flavorpill on "Sanity Disobedience."



color bars are a stretched version of a GIF by noisia; projectors are by a large corporation (forgot who originally posted them to dump.fm, sorry - update: it was mirrrroring)