
If you don't know Conlon Nancarrow's music for player piano this is as good an introduction as any:

YouTube (Study for Player Piano No. 36 - video by Jürgen Hocker)

A post-human Sun Ra plays Charles Ives with the aid of neurotransmitter accelerators and nine extra arms.

hat tip disquiet

Made in Internet exhibition in Krakow

rotating smile 2

Am in a show in Poland organized by Marcin Ramocki called "Made in Internet" (as part of ARTBOOM, an annual urban and public space festival in Krakow).

The artist list (links are to artist pages in Polish w/ embedded YouTubes):
Banovich, Tamas
Bell-Smith, Michael
Cortright, Petra
Davis, Paul B.
Endlicher, Ursula
Eteam (Lamprecht Franziska and Moderegger Hajoe)
Holmberg, Joel
Lonergan Guthrie
Lucas, Kristin
McKay, Joe
Moody, Tom
Murphy, Luke
Olson, Marisa
Slocum, Paul
Stead, Jessie
Van Den Dorpel, Harm
Yeh, Cj
Ramocki, Marcin

My contribution is an enlarged version of the above GIF - retitled "Rotating Smile with Frame Removed" - that loops continuously for a minute. ("Militant, pointless redundancy..." Omigod magazine)
"Made In Internet" is described as follows:

...a showcase of short video forms created by web artists. This selection reflects the trends and concepts of contemporary new media in the last 5 years, which revolve around blogs, streaming video and social media: the late, consumer-oriented Web 2.0. In this new artistic universe appropriation is taken for granted, the attention span is short and the reward often takes the form of a conceptual charade. The works in the show stem from the web: they either have been created from found internet material or produced specifically for that platform.

Ramocki is giving a talk, "Assumed Mobility: Thoughts on Experiencing Time Online," and the PDF outline is here.