Salon Precog Reviews Fame Remake

Who knew that artist Joe McKay's "preReview" site from a few years back, which reviewed movies that hadn't come out yet (and was meant to be a joke), would be the model for a new type of writing by presumably more serious media? Here is a resident psychic of Salon online magazine telling us that the remake of the 1980 movie Fame will be badly dated:

"Fame": It's not gonna live forever

Why the classic '80s musical won't translate in an era of instant celebrity, YouTube and "American Idol"

By Julie Klausner

In a scene from the new "Fame," opening Friday, an acting teacher addresses a crop of aspiring adolescents trying out for a coveted slot at the LaGuardia High School of Music and Art and the Performing Arts.

"You wanna be famous?" he asks from the seats of the theater. "Then you gotta earn it."

That may be an acting teacher's party line. But that advice blaringly ignores the reality of today's instant celebrity, when YouTube stars like Chris "Leave Britney Alone!" Crocker and the sixth runner-up on "American Idol" are more likely to enjoy name recognition than a kid who learned how to play the oboe at a performing arts school. "Fame" (which was not screened prior to its release) tips its hat to the way things are, to an extent. In the best line from the trailer, an excessively jazzed student exclaims, "The casting director found me on YouTube!" Not, "The casting director liked the monologue I spent ages rehearsing!" Being good at what you do has never been a lock for any actor hoping to land roles in the laughably competitive world of entertainment. But as Tila Tequila can tell you, being famous in 2009 has precious little to do with talent or hard work.


More psychic criticism. Psychic news story.