Asymptote paintings

Really like these paintings by Asymptote Architecture, in a twitpic documenting their move to a new studio, linked to by Curbed. It's possible they're architectural renderings and not intended to be paintings but seen casually leaning against boxes, the curvy biomorphic CAD-objects floating in flat blue fields look like great paintings so at least on the thought experiment level that's what they now are.


Dreamed I was having a retrospective of my paintings. I was in the gallery helping to install them. The space was a privately funded "avant" venue in Europe. Someone (the main benefactor of the space?) thought it was a good idea to have a nude female model "voguing" in the galleries while the preparators were working. Her poses were blatantly sexual. I didn't see the point of it but didn't argue with it, either.
Some of my work was lost or unavailable and had to be recreated for the show. A friend of mine was in the gallery with an easel, banging out these knockoffs at a steady clip. I always knew he was a good painter but it was quite amazing to see him reproducing some of my early photorealist work. It was like watching myself paint them but in high speed with more nimble wrist action.
Later one of the founding members of Nasty Nets (I won't say who) had sex with the voguing model in the back of a station wagon.

a.e. van vogt covers




Crops of various book jacket art, found on the web.
I like all the emotion in these: the nervous expression of the man contemplating his skull-double outside the black hole; the shadowy giant coming between the guy with the futuristic Sta-Prest collar and his agonized woman; the mighty thrust of the cosmic bowler toward three grim, middle aged, hovering clone faces.
People say science fiction is an art for adolescent boys but that's only a way of minimizing the extreme psychic discontinuities it reveals.

"Wonky Wee"

"Wonky Wee" [mp3 removed]

A familiar advertisement gets samplidelified. Apologies to the composer John Michael Boling for the use of his sound art piece. Mostly done with Cubase and Kontakt 2.

Update: removed two seconds that was throwing off the beat near the end.

Update 2: Added some pitched percussion to the beginning--just a few notes to make the buildup more interesting.