
"Rompbox" [mp3 removed]

8-bit-ish song with more Mutator filtering of Electribes. The low end is a bit rumbly at high volume so this is a "pre-master." This isn't as tight in the pop song sense as "Acid Mutation" but the timbres are getting more interesting (to me), particularly in the chorus. The DSP oscillators on the Korg are in "sync" mode and the Mutator is working like a wah-wah pedal more aggressively. This song and "Acid Mutation" involve actual knob twiddling as opposed to virtual knob twiddling. They are experiments with micro alterations of settings to get larger changes.

"Lunar Harmonics"

"Lunar Harmonics" [mp3 removed]

One Korg Electribe (rhythm) filtered through the Mutator filter bank. MIDI note-on commands from another Electribe (synth) cause the bell-like harmonics in the filter. The bass at 1:08 was unexpectedly loud so the whole song was run through the Reaktor Flatblaster compressor/limiter (the "cassette dub" preset). Thus is the output of a cheap digital synth warmed up with mellifluous analog gear only to be ultimately reclaimed for the digital realm.