homepage screenshot


screenshot of the website of cindeeloocupcakes. click for larger version. the "jackson pollock" is my jackson pollock from miltos manetas' hoax "paint a jackson pollock" web utility, drawn a while back. i worked really hard on that jackson pollock--the medium is not very conducive to making anything that looks remotely like something of jack the dripper's

post about quantifying Pollock: "Pollock is a perennial target for computer geeks. Besides these DIY-Pollock programs ... we were recently subjected to a barrage of hype about the computer science prof who could purportedly identify fake Pollocks by measuring drip sizes, fling rates, and so forth. And a few years before that, critic Pepe Karmel used computer analysis of Hans Namuth's studio photos of Pollocks-in-progress to determine that beneath the convoluted abstraction lay images of the human figure, which Pollock 'always drew first.'"

Post-Panel Vibes

Some reports and criticism on last week's "Net Aesthetics 2.0" panel:

Paddy Johnson compares the 2006 incarnation of the panel with last week's. Comprehensive notes broken down by theme.

Alex Lane thinks we didn't do a good enough job on the surf clubs and the browser-as-viewing-arena. [pdf] Left a comment about it on his group blog.

There were three panel and surf club related threads in the Rhizome.org comment boards. Am reluctant to link to them as they are unmoderated zoos where people are allowed to type "ZZZZZZZZzzzzzZZZZ" and post jpegs of dead horses. An attempt to explain defaults and group blogs came off more like warthogs scraping tusks than desired but harloholmes' encouraging shout on delicious (about the panel?) was appreciated. Sally has some good thoughts on the threads' underlying chemistry here (in the comments) and here (on her blog with L.M.).

Rhizome has asked the panelists to write follow-ups and mine should be posted soon.

dreamed plot

2 bit night club comedian played by Jim Carrey is courier or "mule" for the mob, transferring contraband and information among crooked clubs. Becomes internationally successful star reminiscent of the real Jim Carrey; knows too much so the mob sinks his pleasure boat.

POV character is on a nearby boat, feels explosion in the water, dives overboard and sees last of ship going down. sharks begin to circle so he has to surface and can't be sure what he saw.

Bulk Smash

The superhero we used to call The Inedible Bulk occupied half the front page of today's New York Post. News is advertising and vice versa. Marvel would like to pretend that it hasn't already made this movie. I am only interested if it means people lose interest in hotlinking my 1ron m4n G1F.