A Nasty Nets DVD has been sponsored by Rhizome.org and is or will be sold in the New Museum bookstore. It consists of a "data" part and a "video" part. The data part is files uploaded by NN members (audio, images, videos, web pages, "other") to a group page and burned to DVD in folders; the video plays in a DVD player and is a continuous narrative of member content edited by NN member Joel Holmberg.
Have been perusing the Data part and wanted to give some (non-exclusive) shout outs. Many of the folders appear to be image file collections taken straight off members' hard drives, which is excellent.
Camille Paloque-Berges: thanks for the math and science GIFs, great archive! Clicking through it while listening to Travis Hallenbeck's sndrec (Windows sound recorder) piece made this blog's day.
Javier Morales' collection of images shows a discerning eye for web junk. On the website Morales's posts were difficult and off-putting but one kept thinking about them; his were the only contributions to deal consistently with sexual or taboo content. But he's not on the video part of the DVD! It's Holmberg's call 'cause he did the work but that seems like omission (repression?) of a key part of the site. It's true Morales did the DVD cover but that's not as rewarding as letting him "wreck the flow" of the video.
For the sake of nerdy listmaking/remembering made some notes re: Morales' contributions to Nasty Nets; unfortunately some of the YouTubes he linked to no longer exist. The image above (cropped at the sides) is his, as well.
Most Aggressive Use of Marquee Tag
Changing Artwork Constantly After It is Posted
Master Ryker
YouTube of kid doing bong hit in car, commenter hitting on him: I, SMOKING, MY PIPES TOBACCOS, SINCE THE 18 YEARS, WITH TOBACCOS AROMATICS VAINILLA, AND MY BLUE JEANS LEVI’S 501.
Multiple Manimal YouTubes
Cum Cult
Clown Sex
What's Your Prison Name?
Posting the above list of hot button terms promises a year of unwanted hits but the sacrifice must be made.