Robot warfare in Iraq: a bad joke

iraq robot 2

iraq robot 1

...literally at our expense. Can't solve a problem? There must be some gear we can throw at it. American knowhow and all that. The top photo came from sure where they got it. It almost looks like the soldier is a quadraplegic riding the robot but he appears to be squatting behind it, possibly adjusting it so it doesn't spray wild bullets at American soldiers. The bottom photo is from Wired, putting the "all tech is good tech" spin on things as usual.

The military fascination with robotics is mirrored in the art world: from VVork comes a link to this Dutch psych-test-cum-conceptual-art project where viewers mull over whether to stick their hands inside a device mimicking the scene in Aliens where the android stabs a knife between a man's fingers at lightning speed. People are afraid to put their palms down on the template and don't entirely trust the device. Well, duh.

To quote Mark Pauline of Survival Research Laboratories, "the perfect marriage of technology and the human form is death."